31 March, 2025

What to Expect from your Child in Year 3?

Welcome to Year 3, an exciting year of your child’s learning. As you know, Year 2 focuses on grammar, arithmetic, and spelling. Year 3 curriculum may remain same in 2022 and is completely different from Year 2. Thus this stage is a transition from KS1 to KS2. 

With the start of Year 3, they require more attention from parents and tutors. Year 3 tutors are trying to provide the best practises to your child. Therefore, this blog will discuss what your children learn in Year 3.

Subjects of Year 3 curriculum 2022 

The compulsory subjects of Year 3 curriculum 2022 are as follows

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Modern foreign languages
  • Design and technology
  • Art and design
  • Music
  • Physical education
  • Citizenship
  • Computing

What should be the main focus of my Child in Year 3?

1- English Improve Spelling 

Your child should focus on spelling in English compared to previous years. Hence they must focus less on phonics and give proper attention to understanding spelling rules, prefixes and suffixes.

However, there are some statutory spelling lists for Year 3 and 4. However, schools divide this list over 2 years. Sometimes teachers add extra topics that they think students need more practise on.

2- Development of Writing Skills

Most schools focus on creative writing. They also emphasise writing styles, language styles, and characters. Hence your child may learn different genres like poetry and play script in Year 3 curriculum 2022.

3- Maths

Year 3 Maths requires more timestables to focus. Prompt recall of 2.4.8…..50 times tables is very important because they form the base of child fundamental Maths. So students must have to cover them in Year 3.

Your child learns in Year 3 curriculum 2022 of Maths as follows

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Times Tables
  • Fractions 
  • Equivalent fractions
  •  Angles
  •  Parallel and perpendicular lines 
  • Area, perimeter, and shape.

Therefore they can also apply their knowledge to their daily routine.

4- Maths Mastery

The national curriculum 2022 ‘’mastery’’ is a teaching style that concentrates on knowledge. So children will be encouraged to use their innovative ideas to solve challenges quickly.

5- Science

Science Year 3 curriculum 2022 is engaging and fun for students. Your child will learn about:

  • Plants, parts of plants, needs of plants, and their life cycle.
  • Animals, including humans, focus on nutrition, skeletons, and muscles.
  • Rocks, comparing rocks, fossils, and soil creation.
  • Light, its reflection, and shadows creation.
  • Forces and magnets, attraction and repulsion, magnetic materials, and the two poles of a magnet.

Besides, they also learn how to work scientifically. Also, write their investigations, predictions, methods, results, conclusions, and more. Therefore, these are the key parts of the Science curriculum.


How can Parents help their Children in Year 3?

As a parent, what should be your responsibilities to support your child in Year 3?

1- Weekly Spelling Practise

You can motivate your child by assisting them in learning their weekly spellings. They are usually checked once a week. So you should find out your child’s tips and tricks for weekly spelling practise. 

2- Continuous Reading

Reading is a crucial part of Year 3 curriculum 2022. There are several ways to help your child in reading. You should listen to them when they are reading aloud. Ask questions about their reading. Hence this will motivate them instead of reading aloud or independently. 

Reading is the key part of this age. So listening to your child will increase their confidence in writing. You can make this interactive by mimicking voices to explore the expression. 

Allowing your child when they should read aloud or slow. Particular punctuation may change their expression. Thus encouraging them to read their writing back to themselves. Also, make the punctuations based on the expressions.

3- Diversification

You should give access to different styles of writing to your child. This will help them to improve their fluency, knowledge, and vocabulary. However, certain e-books are excellent sources for this to do.

4- Problems Identification

You must talk to the child’s teacher if you are concerned about their studies. At this phase of age, it is common to have dyslexia. Thus keep open dialogues with school authorities regarding your child’s problems. It is their future matter. 

5- Maths Practise

 In Maths, you can help out your child by practising the relevant timestables regularly. It must be a general observation that every child has a different way of perceiving. However, you should motivate them by finding their learning style.

So, what’s next you can do for your child learning in Maths? In daily routine, you can give them the chance to use money and ask them how much change they might keep and more. It will boost their reasoning skills.


Last but not least, Year 3 is a time of fun and reward for students. They are growing in this stage and become independent from others. So enjoy this phase of watching your child’s growth and make this year great.

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