23 February, 2025

The Importance Of Having A Backend Online Business Strategy

When you start selling online you’re probably thinking that you need to create a variety of different products and services. But then you found that you need to take another approach that is going to leverage your current products and services when someone buys any of your offers.

For example, let’s say you’ve found the right market ‘niche’ and you’re selling information products, or consultancy training, or e-commerce goods… What you need next is to develop a ‘backend’ up-sell product which is related to your front-end product.

Then, when you’ve got this second product ready for sale, you announce it to your list of existing customers, who have already brought your first product. And if they like it and it suits there need and desires, they’re then likely to purchase this new product as well. In other words, you’re selling different things to the same client.

What you need to do..

Firstly, you need to make sure that you keep every customer loyal for life. Because when you send time, money and effort promoting and selling your frontend product and service, it’s then desirable, to make more profit from your backend which isn’t costing you the same marketing and selling outlay. And when you multiply this over a number of years it can add up to good backend profits.

Which means you should ask the right questions and get great feedback from customers before then going on to create an efficient and cost-effective backend strategy for all your products which are personalised to your customers’ needs and wants.

This is good marketing research and something that’s actually easy and fun to do because people like being asked for their opinion and ideas. By creating an online poll, for example in Facebook, or questionnaire to email or snail-mail to your list of customers and potential customers, should harvest you a lot of useful information about what your customer audience actually want and need.

Secondly, as you’re creating your follow-up products and services, you can continue to supply questions and useful information to your list to get them anticipating what’s coming next. You can even start sending some clients free helpful information or products to get valuable feedback and testimonials for your new innovations in preparation for a product launch.

Once you’ve got feedback and reviews this will give would-be buyers confidence that they can trust you when they see others have got results that they need. They will then feel that you’ve products and services are proven in the market and that you’re working in their best interest.

And when you’ve gained that trust from your customer market they won’t mind buying from you over and over again which will help you profit in future years.

Just remember that you really do need to discover what they actually and specifically want and then over-deliver on your promise with new innovative products and services that you’ve created for them.

After all, it’s much better to work hard for loyal clients who buy multiple products through long-term relationships and who remain loyal and refer you to others, than to put a lot of effort, time and costs into working to promote and sell one product to a customer who never returns to buy again from your business… just because you haven’t got a backend business strategy

Business Talk


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