As the founding director of numerous companies, Jordan Diment is a seasoned business leader with adept problem-solving capabilities. In his spare time, Mr Diment enjoys travelling with his family, walking, cycling and playing golf. This article will take a closer look at the sport of golf and its potential to help professionals make more meaningful, and potentially lucrative, connections.
The concept of professional networking tends to conjure up images of conferences and awkward networking events. In reality, however, many important business deals are struck not in the conference room but on the fairway. Today, sales professionals are securing business contracts over a game of golf, taking advantage of this cordial and relaxing environment – a stark contrast to tense boardroom meetings.
Weather permitting, the great outdoors presents calming, tranquil surroundings, immersing participants in nature and encouraging relaxation and composure. Engaging in a game of golf coaxes participants to lower their guard a little, making it easier to establish meaningful connections.
While boardroom meetings are typically scheduled for an hour at a time, networking events may last a little longer. However, a game of golf spans several hours, bringing business contacts together for longer in these soothing surroundings and creating enhanced opportunities for relationship-building and more meaningful discussions. With more time, participants will meander away from talking solely about work, touching on their personal lives, getting to know each other better, and building trust and rapport. While there may be a PowerPoint presentation and a Q&A in a rushed 60-minute boardroom meeting, spending the day playing golf and chatting enables professionals to get to know each other on a whole new level, building trust and meaningful connections.
Golf is much more than just a leisure activity. For professionals, it presents the ultimate networking tool, enabling them to connect with potential clients, build business relationships or simply connect with likeminded individuals. As a game that requires patience, strategy and concentration, all skills that are highly valued in the business world, golf presents an opportunity for professionals to stand out as capable and competent authorities in their field. Playing golf also enables participants to reveal their more human side, including their sense of humour, personality and ability to handle stress, all of which are attractive qualities for professionals seeking out new colleagues and partners.
Whether it’s a company golf outing or a charity tournament, attending golf events is an effective means of meeting new people and broadening professional networks. Rather than focusing on making sales, attendees should focus on relationship-building, smiling, introducing themselves and making small talk to break the ice, demonstrating friendliness and approachability throughout. It is important to make a good impression, and professionals should avoid coming across as pushy or aggressive, instead focusing on getting to know other attendees and forging long-term connections that could prove mutually beneficial in the future.
Golf is a game of etiquette. It is therefore essential for professionals to gain a solid grasp of the rules to make and maintain a positive impression. Although golf rules vary from course to course, the basic tenets include arriving at the course early, avoiding standing in front of the player teeing off, replacing and filling divots, tending the flagstick and keeping up the pace. Players should also silence their mobile phone on the course to avoid distracting other players and avoid hitting into the group in front.
Playing a round of golf is a great way for people to get to know each other. For professionals seeking to expand their networks, golf can be an incredibly powerful tool. By regularly attending golfing events, observing basic golf etiquette, and being friendly and approachable, professionals can take their network to the next level, increasing both their contacts and business opportunities.